Preparation For Fall Food Plotting

Posted by David on Jun 21st 2015

   Just a reminder that the fall food plot season in coming fast! If you have some spare time in the next couple of weeks it would be a good idea to start getting things ready. When I have some free time this part of the season I will go give my fall plots a once over with the disk to nock down the weeds and keep the soil mellow. I sometimes even spray the plot with chemical to kill the weeds. I know it's early but weeds really bug me. If weeds are a problem you can spray twice for a little reassurance. I will have my Browning Trail Cameras out in full force soon and will also be keeping an eye on my perenial plots for weed and other problems that could arise. I have three plots left for the fall season and this year I will be mixing them up with Big N Beasty, Autumn Quick Plot and one with Pure Trophy Clover. I like to have a good variety so as the season progresses I always seem to have a hot spot no matter the weather. Procrastinating on your fall food plots is not a good Idea. Mine always seem to do better if I get things started early. If you have any questions at all don't be afraid to ask!